Hostragons 将客户满意度置于首位。它提供用户友好的面板和可定制的托管服务。接受信用卡、比特币和山寨币支付。通过银行转账和 2D 安全选项提供最大安全性。
我们使用最先进的服务器。我们提供使用 nVME M.2 SSD 硬盘和高速互联网连接的不间断服务。
हम 24/7 तकनीकी सहायता सेवाएं प्रदान करते हैं। हमारी विशेषज्ञ टीम हर समय आपके साथ रहती है, और आपकी समस्याओं के लिए त्वरित समाधान प्रदान करती है। हमारी टीम हमारी सभी सेवाओं की निरंतर निगरानी करती है और त्वरित हस्तक्षेप सुनिश्चित करती है।
Hostragons is an innovative web hosting company founded in Turkey in 2020 and relocated to London in 2022. The company offers high-performance hosting solutions and domain services. Prioritizing customer satisfaction, Hostragons provides a unique hosting experience by offering dedicated and unshared server resources to its users. It delivers uninterrupted service using state-of-the-art servers, nVME M.2 SSD disks, and high-speed internet connections. The company's Tier III+ standard data centers are located worldwide, with primary locations in London and Singapore. Hostragons offers a wide range of services including web hosting, domain services, free CDN and SSL, customizable solutions, and WordPress optimization. The company places great importance on security, employing advanced security measures such as DDoS protection and software firewalls. It has an expert team providing 24/7 technical support. To ensure customer satisfaction, Hostragons offers a 14-day money-back guarantee. The company accepts payments via credit card, Bitcoin, and altcoins, and provides maximum security in payment transactions with bank transfer and 3D security options. In conclusion, Hostragons serves as a powerful solution partner in the digital world with its high-performance, reliable, and customer-focused approach, advanced technological infrastructure, and global presence.